We are proven leaders in...

Transformational leadership and school improvement:

  • Reduced persistently low-achieving schools: Led curriculum reform at the district level that resulted in 6 out of 7 schools exiting state-identified persistently low achieving status within a three-year period

  • Improved student behavior: Achieved a 40% decrease in behavior occurrences in one school year through customized classroom management systems and tools

  • Improved student achievement: Achieved a 15% reduction in novice performance in core content areas and a 15% increase in overall academic achievement through multi-tiered systems of support for both students and teachers

  • Created a 3-milion dollar district savings: Successfully managed and restructured district budgets resulting in significant cost savings

  • Successfully oversaw a $23 Million+ renovation project: Successfully collaborated with Board of Education, district, and community members to secure funding for a significant school improvement project.

Curriculum & Instruction:

  • Successfully implemented a 3-year instructional recovery plan: Successfully implemented a comprehensive plan to address learning loss post-pandemic

  • Developed and implemented a district instructional playbook: Created and implemented a comprehensive playbook to guide instructional practices within districts

  • Led district-wide ELA/Math curriculum adoption: Spearheaded the adoption of new curriculum and developed standard operating procedures.

  • Developed a deeper learning 38 to 3800 campaign: Improved collective efficacy across the district through teacher led leadership cohorts through action research and the design thinking process

Community Engagement & Partnerships:

  • Established post-secondary and industry partnerships at the regional, national and international levels: Built partnerships with Harvard University, Apple Inc, Global Cities Education Network, and various colleges/universities to increase access to advanced courses and apprenticeships.

  • Developed a 5-year strategic plan: Led the development of a long-term strategic plan for the district.

  • Collaborated on a birth-to-five campaign: Worked with community members to create and implement a comprehensive early childhood learning plan including the distribution of iPads to students.

Awards & Recognition:

  • AASA Presenter: Presented at the AASA conference on "Transforming a District Through Sustainable Innovation."

  • Supplier Diversity Champion Award Recipient: Recognized for efforts in promoting diversity within school districts

  • National PTA Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient: Recognized for outstanding contributions toward family and community engagement efforts

  • Community Action "Unapologetically Woman" Award Recipient: Recognized for contributions to the community.

  • Inducted into Kappa Delta Pi: Inducted into the prestigious international honor society for education.

  • College Board of Trustee Executive Committee Member: Developed policy to provide 10 years of free college tuition to local students and led efforts to eliminate college debt within a 9 month period